Image-to-gcode has been added to the EMC2 CVS tree, and the "sim/axis.ini" configuration has been updated to automatically use it.

The screenshot shows what the Image to gcode window looks like (and the options it offers) along with the appearance of the generated g-code. To regenerate the file with different options, simply hit ctrl-r. The last parameters you used in image-to-gcode are remembered in the file ~/.image2gcoderc.

Image-to-gcode requires the numarray and PIL packages. On Ubuntu systems, they may be installed with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install python2.4-imaging-tk python2.4-imaging \

Depending on the image size and the settings chosen, it may take from 15 seconds to several minutes to generate the g-code, which is then loaded in axis.
(originally posted on the AXIS blog)